Business presentation design services for business I can help with

  • Creative presentation design service
    You have ready content slides and want to receive a 100% editable presentation with laconic and sophisticated design capable of clearly communicating the main ideas. This is your option. You receive 100% custom designed slides created specially to deliver your messages bounded with branded style, structured and … Obvious elements of this PowerPoint design service: alignment check, consistency check, template applying and optimizing, data visualization, recreate data heavy info to be in one style, adding design elements and customizing illustrations, icons usage.
  • Creating business presentation from text drafts
    The advanced version of the previous situation. You have ready content but it is in Word document, handwritings or pdf file, but not in PowerPoint. The same result, the only difference is in an additional step at the beginning of the project — creating slides and transferring messages. So again, presentation design service, just a little bit more time and budget.
  • Presentation Template services
    You want a fully configured, 100% editable presentation template which will apply a brand style to your presentation and save your time while creating slides. You want to use it with Copilot or Designer. We will agree whether you need 10 basic layouts, 100 slides + a pack for all purposes of big team usage or an optimal 20 slides pack with most typical layouts for your presentations and samples of usage. PowerPoint template design service will make your presentation creation life better.
  • Converting/transferring formats: from
    Adobe Suite, Figma, PDF to PowerPoint or Google Slides
    You have presentation materials in one format and you need to transfer it to another one. I can convert slides from Adobe Suite format (Illustrator, Indesign) to PowerPoint or Google Slides and back. The result you receive will be precisely close to the original. Be ready to discuss some details as it is often more comfortable for the next usage to take into account PowerPoint peculiarities.
    I can also convert from Google Slides to PowerPoint or on the contrary. My expertise in PowerPoint and Google Slides is equal, both softwares have their own benefits and tricks, not dummy transfer of formats.
Types of presentation
My presentation design specialization is, а business presentation. Any business presentation which provides a lot of information helps to make a decision or solve a problem, review the market, reporting progress, selling a service/product. Most common types of presentation:

• Meaningful consulting presentation design
• Dense, chock-full and serious financial presentation design
• Remarkable analytics report design
• Creative white papers design
• Classical business plan presentation design
• Concentrated design of presentation for board meetings
• All-important investment pitch design
• Unique sales pitch design
• Involving Meeting presentation design
• Serious Investor presentation design
• Design and formatting of various memorandums

All these heavy data slides full of charts, tables and diagrams receive intuitive perception after my presentation design service applying.
Business presentation design, presentation format
Presentation format
PowerPoint design service — core specialization, advanced level expertise.

Google Slides design service — alternative format, advanced level expertise. To make a choice please ask me for a difference between presentation formats.

Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop — from time to time I use these and some others softwares as additional tools to create presentations in PowerPoint.